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Memory Keeping: Getting Started

“I don't know where to start”

or …. “I don’t have time” are the most common excuses when it comes to keeping a photo album or scrapbook. But in putting it off, you may be missing an opportunity in self-care to reflect, create and see your story in perspective.

Founder of Persnickety companies, Chari Pack, has been “scrapbooking” since high school and has not missed a year since. She has found it to be a time she can enjoy reflecting and creating.

Even if this way of creating and reflecting sounds amazing, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming to know where to start. She has found that the best way for her to stay on top of it is to set aside one day a month to organize and order prints and then when they arrive, she spends 15 minutes slipping them into simple pocket albums and telling the story. Don’t set high expectations for yourself. Keep it very simple.

memory keeping

Don’t set yourself up to fail, start with what you have now. Use your photos from today, and just start! You’ll find your groove and the joy each moment brings to you and your family.

-Chari, Persnickety Founder



Time flies! Create a repeating notification in your phone to remind yourself to round up those important moments that were made.

For example, set up your notification for the last Sunday of each month to remind you to order prints.

memory keeping


Throughout the month, or on a specific day each month, add your favorite photos to a folder. Create an album in your phone or on your desktop computer called “TO PRINT”. It’ll become a habit before you know it! Keeping photos organized will help you feel less overwhelmed.

Learn more about organization of your photos in your camera roll, here!

memory keeping

It doesn’t have to be fancy, but be sure it’s archival and will last!

Albums and style definitely change over the years:

  • 1993-2006 was “traditional” with scissors & glue

  • 2007-2014 12×12″ digital pages

  • 2014- today 12″ albums mixed with full 12×12 and pockets to incorporate tangibles.

What it always comes down to is the story. You’re leaving a legacy and writing your own narrative. Do what works best for you. Once you find what works for you, you’ll be obsessed with how much fun and rewarding it is!


It can be therapeutic writing feelings and thoughts (“journaling”), as well as taking and choosing thoughtful photos, and the entire creative process can be curative. Give it a shot! You’ll look back on these treasures and be glad you did it.

In the end, make a plan and stick to it! There really is no right way to do it, so do what's easiest, fun, simple and works best for you! Start memory keeping now!


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