There is something consecrated—something irreplaceable—about a parent raising and nurturing a child. God chooses to make us partners with Him in bringing His children to this earth. Our children come to us helpless and dependent on us.
“Children form their understanding of life, love, God, and His plan
based on what they observe from the people around them—especially
their parents, who, honestly, are still trying to figure things out for
themselves.” Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Knowing our children are looking to us for direction is an immense responsibility. It is our duty to bring up our children in love and righteousness, to take care of their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them the principles that will lead them to progress in happiness. As partners with God, He stands beside us and gives us the guidance, strength and endurance to “train up” our children.
It is God’s plan for us to accept this privilege and responsibility courageously and joyfully. It would be a shame to delegate this right and duty to anyone else. Think of the blessing we are denying ourselves and our children if we outsource teaching of the fundamental principles we know will bring our children happiness. Parents are the ones to best guide their children in the details of daily decisions. Each child comes to this life with light from God and it is our role to keep that flame burning bight.

Sometimes as parents we feel inadequate. We wonder if someone else might be better qualified to guide and teach our children. There are, after all, experts, those who appear to have virtuosity that far exceeds our own. Everywhere there are entities telling us that they know better than we do what is good for our kids. But your love and connection to your child gives you a unique insight. This bond builds a bountiful environment for teaching truth and building faith. No one can replace you in your child’s life.
Families were designed to be a constant in a child’s life. Media influencers, classmates, educator, even friends can be here today and gone tomorrow. Parents have day-to-day influence; consistent, stable impact in your child’s life. There are boisterous, in-your-face entities clamoring for your children’s attention. It may feel like your gentle, steady sway is not having much impact.
Remember that “by small means the Lord can bring about great things.” Family dinner, a game of catch, family prayer, or one good example may not instantaneously alter your child’s life. But steady small and simple things, day after day, brick by brick, build a foundation that will weather a flood.
You may feel your meager efforts will not be enough to reach your children through the onslaught of media vying for attention. The fact is all parents worry about not being good enough. Turn to family. Turn to friends. Turn to God. Ask for help and reassurance. Don’t give-up and out-source your responsibilities. It is your right and your privilege to nurture and raise these beautiful children. Trust that you were called to this position. Does that mean you and your family will be picture-perfect? No. But you will continually get better.

The best plan is for us all to live in families. These relationships are the most important that we have. This is why, as a parent, you never give up- even if you are not proud of how things went in the past. Choose faith over fear, knowing that you are in the correct place. Leading your kiddos.