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Days Worth Celebrating: October

Writer's picture: Natalie LynchNatalie Lynch

Fall is here! The leaves are changing color, “Sweater Weather” is creeping up, and pumpkins are everywhere! Even If you’re the type who celebrates Halloween every day of October, I think you’ll find some days below worthy of pausing Hocus Pocus for at least one night.

1st National Pumpkin Spice Day: Maybe today should be the first official day of Autumn. Is it even Fall if pumpkin spice flavored EVERYTHING isn’t lining the grocery store shelves? Go ahead and grab a latte, get some Pumpkin Spice Cheerios and start the day off right. OR, since it is also National Homemade Cookies Day, why not make some pumpkin spice cookies and get 2 birds with one gourd?

4th National Taco Day: Taco nights were always such a treat growing up. I remembered feeling a little bit more grown-up when getting to build my own taco. You mean I get to choose what stays and what goes?? I’m in charge? THERE ARE NO RULES!!! (that’s what grown-ups sound like, right?)

8th National Fluffernutter Day: I’ve never had a Fluffernutter Sandwich. I’ll admit I just had to look up what it even was! A marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwich? I am 100% on board. The hard part will be waiting until October 8th to try it and celebrate National Fluffernutter Day properly.

10th Columbus Day: The heart of Columbus Day is exploration. Why not explore a new area in your city? Is there a park you’ve never been to? Does the next town over have a Mainstreet you’ve never ventured to? Don’t let the fact that you’ve been to all the local points of interest stop you from exploring. Hop over to Lonely Planet and take a virtual tour of a state park or any of the 7 Wonders of the World.

12th National Fossil Day: (On Wednesday of the Second Full Week in October) Who doesn’t think fossils are awesome? I like to think of fossils as Nature’s Photographs. While getting over to a natural history museum on a Wednesday might be a little tough, I don’t think the fossils will mind if you wait until the weekend to celebrate.

13th National Train Your Brain Day: The human brain is still a thing of mystery, but we do know it needs exercise to keep it in tip-top condition. Take advantage of National Train Your Brain Day and do a crossword, play trivia, or put together a puzzle. Find a family age-appropriate game and get those synapses firing!

17th - So, the 17th is National Pasta Day, but the 25th is WORLD Pasta Day. It’s all very confusing. Maybe use one to learn a new pasta dish and the other to revisit an old favorite. Either way, you get to eat pasta, so it’s a win.

21st Back To The Future Day: On October 21st, 2015, Marty McFly arrived in the future for the first time. 2022 may not quite look how they predicted it (where is my hoverboard??), but the movies certainly stood the test of time. Today let’s pop a tape in the VCR, zap a TV dinner, grab a TAB, and enjoy a BTTF movie marathon. Or I guess you could stream the movie… it being the future and all.

28th National Chocolate Day: I mean, if I haaaave to.

31st Yes, we all know today is Halloween (a personal favorite holiday of mine), but did you know that today is also National Knock-Knock Jokes Day? Whether your audience is the type to groan or the kind that will laugh uncontrollably, Knock-Knock jokes are just plain fun. Here, I’ll start one. Knock- Knock.


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