Not only do we have Easter to look forward to this month, but we also get to celebrate National Afternoon Tea Month and National Brunch Month all April long. This is already shaping up to be my favorite month of the year. Let’s take a look at what other dates will help kick this Spring off right!
1st April Fool’s Day - A day for all the prankers and tricksters. Keep a skeptical heart and try not to fall prey to their shenanigans today. Remember, you can’t believe everything you hear/read or even see on April First, but where did this tradition come from? Wellllll, historians are torn on that one; however, the theories are fascinating and well worth the read.

2nd National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day - You can’t go wrong with an old-fashioned PB&J Sandwich, but have you heard of PB&J Mac?? Last year, at Disney California Adventure Food & Wine Festival, Disney dared to offer a Peanut Butter and Jelly Mac dish… and it was a real hit. I missed out on trying it at the park but was recently thrilled to find that Disney released this sweet recipe online. Today will be the perfect day to finally try it!
5th First Contact Day - Celebrating a fictional date in the future, First Contact Day is a cult classic holiday. According to Star Trek lore, Man and Vulcan first meet on April 5th, 2063, when a Vulcan scout ship lands in Bozeman, Montana. BUT you don’t have to be a Trekkie to enjoy this day. Pick your favorite alien movie (E.T.?) and cozy up with your loved ones and a bowl of popcorn. Sounds like an out-of-this-world evening to me.

8th National Zoo Lovers Day - Who doesn’t love going to the zoo?! Monkeys, Elephants, Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!
9th Easter (Changes Annually) - We all have our own traditions, many religious, some just silly, but all involving the family. My fondest memory of my grandmother was the year I realized she’d been sneaking eggs out of our baskets and re-hiding them. Every Easter, she proudly walked into the family room and declared, “I think you missed a few.” With that, the hunt would begin again. And every year, she would watch from the kitchen, giggling, as we hunted the same eggs again.

12th National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day - Potentially the greatest day of the year. Think about it, have you ever met a human who doesn’t like grilled cheese sandwiches? Recently I’ve been experimenting with dessert grilled cheese sandwiches… and no one in my house is disappointed with that endeavor. Check out some of these fun twists on the classic.

16th National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day - Yes! Let’s do that! Wait… today is a Sunday. You don’t have to go to work today? Well, that sounds like all the more reason to stay in your pajamas all day!
17th National Haiku Poetry Day -
No need for rhyming
Five, Seven, Five is the rule
I wrote a Haiku

20th National High Five Day (Third Thursday in April) - Way to go! Job well done! Outstanding! A High Five always feels good to give and to receive. We all need a little encouragement from time to time, so give those High Fives out like they are going out of style. Just remember to wash your hands.
22nd National Earth Day - This is a great day to teach kids to care for the world around them. Good stewardship can be as easy as picking up trash on a walk or as rewarding as planting a tree. Invite your kids to find other ways to conserve energy and water and keep their corner of the planet clean and beautiful.

23rd National Picnic Day - Grab a blanket. Pack some snacks and sandwiches and head to your favorite outdoor spot. Spring is here; it’s a lovely time for a family picnic.
24th National Bucket List Day - Bucket lists can be slightly overwhelming (and a little morbid, but let’s not dwell on that), but why not make a 2023 Bucket List? You could narrow it down even more; there are many printable Spring Bucket Lists available online. Or gather the family together and come up with a list of fun things to do before the year is through. Put that list on the fridge as a reminder to make a year of memories together.
28th National Historic Marker Day (Last Friday in April) - We see them flying past on every road trip and never stop to look. But why not take time today to explore the history around you? Check out The Historical Marker Database and see what interesting sites are waiting for you right around the corner.